Campeón de levantamiento de pesas decidió convertirse en mujer

Este campeón de levantamiento de pesas salió al frente para aceptar que es transexual.
(Matt Kroc/ Facebook)

Con valentía, el campeón en levantamiento de pesas Matt ‘Kroc’ Kroczaleski salió al frente para admitir que sí pues, que es transgénero, tal y como lo señalaban múltiples rumores desde hace algún tiempo.Sin embargo, Kroczaleski, de 42 años, desmintió que su transformación en mujer esté completa, ya que ha decidido completarla cuando sus hijos terminen la secundaria. Como mujer, se hace llamar Janae Marie.


“Había planeado esperar hasta que mis hijo hubieran salido del colegio para hablas abiertamente sobre esto. Como esto ya no es una opción, salgo al frente ahora mismo. He sido muy abierto con esto con mi familia y amigos. Esto es algo con lo que he luchado toda mi vida y ha sido extremadamente difícil. De hecho, en un punto incluso consideré el suicidio”, escribió el campeón en su cuenta de Facebook.

Aquí su testimonio completo:

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Public Figure · 16,086 Likes

· July 28 at 6:07am ·

There has obviously been a great deal of gossip, rumors and questions about me the past few days. To put them to rest: yes, I am transgender/gender fluid.

First, I would like to be clear that I had planned to wait until my sons were out of high school before I became openly public about this. As that no longer is an option, I will address it now.

I have been very open about this for many years among my family, close friends, and in the powerlifting community, but I realize for many of you this has been a huge shock. This is something that I have been dealing with my entire life and has been extremely difficult for me. In fact, it even drove me to consider suicide at one point.

I never wanted nor asked for this, and fought this as hard as I could for a very long time. I have finally reached a point where I am comfortable with and proud of whom I am, even if a lot of people don’t understand.

I have received an unimaginable amount of support and love in the last twenty four hours from family, friends, fans, and strangers alike and I want to thank every single one of you that have reached out to me. It honestly means more to me that I can possibly express with the written word.

I will share my story in more detail in the coming weeks. In the mean time you can follow me on Instagram @janaemariekroc and my Facebook page can be found under my friends list on facebook under Janae Marie.

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